“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela
Since 2012 we have partnered up with the organization Glocal Aid that was founded from the strong desire to contribute and help people in need. The importance of engaging globally to bring help and sustainability to vulnerable areas became clear to us, and from there the road to action was short. Today our focus is on India and education for children and youth. Glocal Aid works together with local schools, providing education for several hundred elementary and high school students in the Uttar Pradesh province.
Glocal Aid – India (August 2017) from Hilde og Ørjan Sæle on Vimeo.
Principle no. 1: Give, and you will receive. Luke 6:38
The principle of giving is based on the laws of sowing and reaping. When you have a seed in hand it is at its maximum potential, but when you put the seed into good soil it has the potential to grow and multiply. In many ways our personal resources work in the same way. A fun example might be that a smile behind closed doors has the potential of putting you in a good mood, but a smile to another person has the potential to travel around the world and multiply one person at a time.
Principle no. 2: Our mind is either limited or limitless.
If you think that you only have “enough for yourself”, your mind will limit you by only giving you resources to cover for yourself. On the other hand, when you give, you tell yourself that you have more than enough. The law of attraction then starts influencing your mind to believe that there is an unlimited amount of resources available to you.
Principle no. 3: People need help.
Whether you believe in principle no. 1 and 2, people still need help. We think that a person with a healthy heart sees those needs and wants to help. We see enormous amounts of needs and are therefore dedicated to give to many organizations and also teach the message of giving back to the people that cross our path.
Some organizations we support: